I think I might be late for the party, but I'm going to chime in any way.

I never take baths but I still would advise (if I only had one bathroom) installing a bathtub with a shower. Reason being is that the minute you install a shower only, you'll find a need for a bathtub. Maybe not for bathing reasons but for a myriad of other uses. I actually dyed a pair of stained trousers in the bathtub (I have photos of this experience <g>). And sometimes, for medical reasons, a bath is an absolute necessity, for soaking, sitz baths and that lovely oatmeal bath for when you run into a nasty patch of poison ivy.

What I'm saying is that there is no substitue when you really need one, unless you have good friends who will "lend" you theirs should you find need.

And, too, there is the resale factor. While I do agree with Wendy that your own personal needs should take precident over resale considerations if you intend to live there a good long while, if it is no hardship to step over the tub rim, then why take that chance?


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah