I agree with Labrat over this:
I can see the appeal of ditching the bath if you lack space. But not sure it would work for me.
Though I couldn't live w/o a bath. In my house until I was in University showers where rare. I always had a bath and used the sprayer afterwards. My husband's family only had a bath and no shower. Not even a shower head just to use in the bath like I had - weird LOL -

Once we could have showers more often. WOW. I loved it, but after a few months the novelty wore off and I missed my baths. I broke out my zillions of bubbles baths soon after that.

I couldn't live w/o my bath. I usually have a shower if I'm in a rush or if I just feel like it. Baths are great for relaxing - reading fic, sore muscles from working out, bubbles, salts, oils (eek away from the face!). My feet would protest if I had no bath. Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring, even the days where it cannot figure out what it wants to be (have you had a day where it snowed at night, melted got icy and then hit plus 32 at four in the afternoon in July?)I could not live w/o my bath.

What I hate about them:
Brother who doesn't clean after himself.
Uses a lot of water.
Can be evil and tempting when one is in a rush.


It was a repeat. frown
eek eek In all - I could not live w/o my bath!!! eek eek

In my house, when I get my own, I was a great big one! With jets! My husband wants one too. He said "no bath?" Ack and ran away screaming like a girl. He wants a huge bath. It's hard to find one that will fit his 6f2" frame. He loves a good soak.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.