You can tell the Sub-Chief Bathroom Consultant that his superior agrees on the subject of carpets in bathrooms, so together you have talked me into installing a horrible cold surface in my bathroom instead of a nice, cosy carpet <g>.
I watch a show from the UK and there is an American lady on it who does the designing advice for those selling their house. She can never understand why pple put carpet in their bathrooms. LOL

Carpets in bathrooms - icky!

Think of the fun you can have by getting different colours or fabric/textures with bath mats! Hey, don't knock it 'til you've tried it! LOL!!!

Have you considered floor heating?

Cork doesn't get as cold a tile or stone.

I hate nothing more than getting out of the tub/shower and having to step on cold tile. UGH! Especially on those winter mornings. Now that's where Clark could come in handy! "Warm up those tiles boy!"

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.