I think I get away with it now because I'm a college student, but I worry about next year when I'm in law school. There is just not going to be any way to be taken seriously as a law student if someone knows that I have a Superman poster on my wall, a lunch box on my shelf, a book on my coffee table, every episode of Lois and Clark on tape, and notebooks full of printed fanifcs in my closet. There is just no way
Anna, when I read this I just had to laugh. I am a lawyer. I was called to the bar in 1991. And it never even occurred to me (until I first read a thread like this one) that I should be in the closet.

There are judges, defense counsel, crown counsel, court clerks, court reporters, native court workers and probation officers who know that I write Lois and Clark fanfic. Often if I have a legal question for a Lois and Clark story, I'll run the idea past a group of my lawyer friends and we'll brainstorm about it for a few minutes. I've let a number of people at work read my stories and I'll often sit and work on my stories while waiting for my matters to be called in court. The first time I won a Kerth, I told everyone I ran into in court over the next few days that I was now an 'award winning author.' I even had a lawyer take me out for lunch to congratulate me on my win smile .

And if you check out my work website, you'll find a link to my Lois and Clark pages.

So am I in the closet? Not exactly laugh

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane