I am kind of in between on both. My parents used to know i was a folc and that i wrote fanfic. Now they think I have long since stopped. The number of lies I had to tell them to go to the beach this summer with my folc friends was absolutely insane.

Since I don't have a spouse or even a boyfriend, they don't know, but the one person that knows about it all is my best friend and roommate rachel. This was not on purpose/ She caught me plotting stories in class once and begged to read it until she found teh stories on my computer and read them. Then once I was IMing Annie and she IMed me and i ended up typing my response to Annie into Rachel's IM window -- and it was feedback to a story part she had imed me. Let me tell you, that was embarrassing. laugh So rachel knows, and she makes fun of me a lot, but she hasn't told anyone else in a few years. She did use it as my "sister question" for the pledges in our sorority, but that's a whole other story. I seriously got her back with the question I asked about her.

This long story, written so to aviod studying for my final tomorrow, does have a point. I am mostly closeted, just about completely, but one person knows and teases me relentlessly.

Sorry for the typos and lack of capitolization. Typing 1-handed stinks sad

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve