LOL at Jana and Anna! goofy

I didn't start writing for close to two years after that, and then I didn't tell him at first. I think it was about three or four months after my first story was finished that I finally mentioned it - and he's been supportive ever since, though I do occasionally get grumbles about me needing to try to write for publication and actually earn some money from it. (Hah! As if! :rolleyes: ).

Anyway, until maybe four or so years ago that was it: only he knew. But since then I have mentioned, oh so casually, to one or two close friends that I have friends I met 'on the Internet'. And how did I meet them? Oh, we were all fans of the same TV series, and we're mostly writers, and we just get on well...

And most recently, when Kaethel came to stay with me last, she actually met one of the few RL friends of mine who knows that I write.

So... tiptoeing very gingerly out of the closet, I suppose, with no real intention of ever emerging fully. Apart from anything else, I couldn't imagine how my colleagues at work (university lecturers/professors) would react - let alone the students! :rolleyes:

More stories, please!!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*