I'm totally in - both as a folc in general and as a writer. Even my roommate has no clue. When Kathy came to stay with us this summer, I told him she was an old family friend.

All of my friends know that I write, because I also write original fiction, so if I talk about writing, they just assume it's one of those projects. I did show one of my stories to my best friend once. I did it only because she was stuck on a writing project of her own and the story I sent her dealt with exactly the problem she was struggling with. I agonized for days about whether to show it to her, and nearly hyperventilated after I hit send. I didn't tell her anything about folcdom though. I just told her it was writing exerisize. She really liked the story and it helped her, but she thought the fact that I was writing about Superman was pretty weird, and we basically never mentioned it again.

I'm not entirely certain why I'm so tight-lipped about it. I just don't want to have to explain myself, I guess. It's something that I enjoy, and I don't want to be made to feel guilty about it. Also I like having someting that is just mine. Because almost all of my close friends also worked at the newspaper with me when I worked there, I was with them basically 18 hours a day, 7 days a week. Folcdom was a great escape.
Since I no longer work at the paper, I don't have that issue anymore, but the feeling of escape is still nice.

I keep telling myself I'm going to tell more people, but somehow it never seems to come up. <G>


Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen