I'm kind of between options too. I've never been in the closet - I always jabbered on about going to Trek cons when I was younger to anyone who would listen. <G> Frankly that was less bravery than it was it never occurred to me to keep quiet. Probably should have done as I'm certain I was thought of as a little out there in left field as a result. goofy But that was their problem, not mine. wink I always thought spending the weekend in a smoky disco getting drunk and falling flat on your face was a pretty weird way to spend your downtime. So we kind of evened out there. <g> Mostly we just accepted each other's weirdness.

And when I was working I'd spend a lot of time proofing the previous night's draft of a story and writing during my breaks, so no one could really miss my obssessions there.

Everyone I know knows my interests - but I generally don't talk much about it and didn't even when I was working. Just simply because I don't think anyone is much interested and I wouldn't want to bore them. <g>

I was very surprised a few years back when my brother mentioned he'd read some of my stories. Apparently he'd found Menolly's website which hosts some of them. But then he'd found some old poems of mine from way back when I left home to get married and he took over my bedroom and he read and enjoyed those too, so I wasn't too panicked by that. <g>

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers