This is me - way in the back of the closet. My husband knows, though not until I'd won a kerth for BNA and then I was sick to my stomach the rest of the night until I told him. Turns out he already knew cuz of an email inadvertantly sent to the wrong address and then he googled... Am pretty sure his dad/bro know because they google our last name all the time and they've mentioned something like 'i saw your name online, some award or something' and i'm like 'huh'? I had labby change my last name on the archive but it still comes up.

I hinted recently to a fairly new, good friend of mine that I was reading some old stories I'd written, but she didn't pick up on - or at least didn't mention it in her reply email, but it was short and only mentioned one of the many things I'd mentioned to her.

Missy and I have been wanting to get together for years now, but my husband still isn't too sure about it. He doesn't know that I met another FoLC from my area who has since disappeared. I did recently meet a lady from a local group I'm in who gave me an exercise glider thingy. He thinks it's a group that talks about parenting and such [which we do] but that's not the main purpose of the group. You can thank Kathy for that one - shiny sink and all. He was okay with that though was starting to get worried when I was gone almost an hour because we'd gotten to talking. And he's been using the exercise thingy too so...

Lots of people I know know that I have friends around the world - that I talk with people all over the states, Asia, Great Britain, France, Italy, etc online. I also teach online so I'm online all the time and it goes with the territory. I don't usually have the fic boards up while my husband is home and I've been trying not to chat as much when he's home. It's mostly been on AIM lately since RL has just been too busy too keep up on IRC. In fact, I hadn't checked the boards in months until just recently.

Two little girls take up a lot of my time too. Dunno how I'm going to introduce them to L/C. It's also kind of hard to explain to my husband how someone in England knew how to get chocolate to my house, or presents for the girls, or whatever. "Honey, we just got a package from Washington. Any idea what's in it? And who do we know in Washington?" "Well, um, er, um..." Actually, he's getting slightly more okay with it since I don't just give out our address, but anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of yahoo could get it so...

Okay, enough of a book. I'm supposed to be cleaning so I can write later. And the two year old is getting into stuff she shouldn't. Mom to the rescue!