You're blaming Republicans for not being able to push it through solid Democratic opposition?

Who had the right position and who had the wrong position? You're basically absolving Democrats of blame because the Republicans didn't think they could pass it. It also would not have solved anything. The bill still would not have passed. So yes, maybe it would have helped Republicans electorally, but in the end, the result in the economy is the same.

What did you think of the video? It's a very powerful video that if seen by enough people would easily decide the course of this presidential race and Congress. Still think the Dems were only quibbling over an amendment or two over a bill? Or were they saying that no reform is necessary because there's no problem, so they could protect their piggy bank so they could continue to line their own pockets at our expense?

First they perpetrate the fraud on the American people by forcing banks to make loans to people who couldn't pay. Then they protect the organizations from repeated attempts by Republicans to stop the fraud... and it's the Republicans' fault because they didn't force an active filibuster?

Who do you think bears the brunt of the blame? It certainly wasn't deregulation as Obama's been lying about. Even Alcyone admits it had nothing to do with deregulation.

I remind you that the Democrats have had control of Congress for two years and did nothing, even after the 2005 bill was reintroduced. It never got a committee vote. So whose fault is that?

By the way, filibustering is a tool of the minority. It's always preferable to have a majority because you can push through much of your agenda, such as in budget matters. If you're the minority, you get nothing.

Right now, the GOP is in the minority. They're getting none of their agenda through, but are in a position to stop much of the Democratic agenda. Some predict the Democrats may pick up the 60 seats necessary to block filibusters. With a filibuster-proof majority and the White House, liberalism will be unchecked and we would be setting the stage for more financial meltdowns as the Democrats won't even admit they're part of the problem. You cannot fix anything when you can't even diagnose the problem.

I know you're far left, but even you have to admit the evidence against the Democrats is pretty overwhelming. To reward people who have brought the world to the brink of financial disaster and have already caused the stock market to fall 40% in just a few weeks and costing retirees trillions of dollars should be revolting to most people. Democrats are supposedly for the little people. Yet look what they've done to all of us. The world is teetering on recession right now.

You've even said that the Democratic opposition is pretty good grounds to vote for McCain. Do you still feel that way? Not that you're actually eligible to vote here. smile

You've said that I've only looked for blame for Democrats. Well, lots of Democrats have been looking to blame Republicans and all they can come up with is Gramm-Leach-Bliley. That should tell you there isn't anything they can really pin on Republicans. If all of the Democrats' opposition research groups and Obama's research teams can't come up with anything, why do you expect me to? Do you find it interesting that the Democratically-held Congress isn't interested in the least about holding hearings to uncover the causes, yet will spend two years investigating the firing of federal prosecutors the president had every right to fire without cause?

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin