For anyone who's interested in some more of the FM thing...

I don't know yet about Raines, since I don't trust the campaigns and I don't trust the right/left blogosphere. As far as I know, the campaign got its info from a Washington Post article. The Washington Post dug for a bit and its people say this:

Since this has now become a campaign issue, I asked Huslin [writer of the Washington Post article which mentioned Raines talking to Obama] to provide the exact circumstances of the quote. She explained that she was chatting with Raines during the photo shoot, and asked "if he was engaged at all with the Democrats' quest for the White House. He said that he had gotten a couple of calls from the Obama campaign. I asked him about what, and he said 'oh, general housing, economy issues.' ('Not mortgage/foreclosure meltdown or Fannie-specific,' I asked, and he said 'no.')"

By Raines's own account, he took a couple of calls from someone on the Obama campaign, and they had some general discussions about economic issues.
I don't know how reputable the Post's factchecker is. I get the feeling Politifact and Factchecker are more legit. So I'm hoping they dig around too.

But Factcheck's latest entry gives more information:

Oh, and that part about Fannie Mae’s CEO being on Obama’s VP committee? Sort of. On June 4, Obama announced that Caroline Kennedy, Eric Holder and Jim Johnson would head his VP search committee. Kennedy, of course, is the daughter of JFK. Holder was Bill Clinton’s deputy attorney general. Johnson remained on Obama’s committee for just a week. He resigned on June 11, amid allegations that Johnson received preferential treatment from Countrywide Financial Corp.

But Johnson wasn’t the current CEO of Fannie Mae, as you might think from listening to McCain. He left nine years ago, in 1999.
About the money:

According to CRP, Obama’s total contributions from the FMs work out to $126,349. Of that sum, $6,000 comes from the FMs’ political action committees, and the rest from individuals who work for one of the two companies. Obama’s FM contributions account for about 0.03 percent of his total contributions to date. McCain’s FM haul is a smaller $21,550, all from individuals. That’s about 0.01 percent of his total contributions.

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan