Does that automatically disqualify what he has to say? Of course not, but it could easily color his research
This is true of anything, especially in this polarized season. The fact that this person is from the left should make one cautious, just as anything Roger posts should make one cautious, even if he is not as careful as Ann in linking sources and stating his position or the credentials that back his view. It's clear enough where he stands and what his skew is.

Except of course, there are charts and numbers involved here, which is always extra informative. I rather that than cushy narratives, which tell me more about the person making them than what is actually there. I'm sure places like NRO, etc have their own charts. But their research is just as skewed as this person's towards the Bush administration, if you want to consider methodology.

The economy is a large and unwieldy organism and there are any number of theories for the state we're in. The ideologues would have us believe that they hold the final answer like some unheeded prophets, but the truth is that no, it's not that everyone that disagrees with you is a moron, but rather that people have legitimate concerns with your line of reasoning.

Ultimately it's a matter of where one stands, but that doesn't mean that more information on a diverse set of views is not enriching.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan