The reason a lot of guys on Wall Street took those risks, Ann, is because they had seen a pattern of the GOVERNMENT BAILING BUSINESSES OUT. If the socialists in our government would keep their busybody noses out of our commerce, free trade would happen as it was meant to and everyone would get a chance to prosper.

As far as the rich getting tax breaks, here's an article from the Wall Street Journal showing that since 2000 the top 1% of income earners pay 35% of all federal income taxes. The top 50% of income earners pay 97% of ALL income taxes while the poor hardly pay any, less than 3-1/2 dollars out of every $100 paid in income taxes in the United States is paid by someone in the bottom 50% of wage earners.

These are income earners buy the way, people who WORK for a living, not the louts who inherited their funds from gram and granpa and have been lollygagging around on their 100 ft houseboat for the weekend(hello algore!!)

For someone from the government to just arbitrarily pop in and tell me that they deserve 22% of my hard earned cash smacks of socialism to me, which, IMO, makes it evil and wrong.


Jayne Cobb: Shepherd Book once said to me, "If you can't do something smart, do something RIGHT!