Reaganomics has been so successful that the Democrats have embraced it too, more or less, although they have tried to be a little more cautious about it.
My jaw dropped at this one. I think you'll find hatred of Reaganomics, not an embrace, if you talk to any Democrat. I think you'll find that most Democrats will experience the same jaw drop at this statement.
So let me explain what I mean. I mean that even Democrats automatically start talking about tax cuts as soon as they need to fix the economy. Never mind that a tax cut most definitely risks leading to decreased revenue and less money for things like pensions and Medicare and other kinds of support and help to people who don't have enough. But those who already earn a lot of money will certainly benefit from tax cuts for the rich. Or, as Jesus said in Matthew 25:29:
For to everyone who has, more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away.
That is how tax cuts for the rich works. But today even Democrats think that tax cuts is the big Solution, with a capital 'S', to the problems of the economy.
