Roger, first I gotta say how amazing you are at holding your own in this discussion and how clearly you've presented all the facts in this thread. I would have lost patience by now trying to make other readers understand. What makes me sad that you've been driven to censor yourself in an attempt to get a sincere response(which has yet to be forthcoming) and I'm compelled at this juncture to point out who has shaped obama's thought process, as we all know this is the complete fact. What's great is that you can respond to my answer all you want.

The most prominent people I have seen presented that are closely associated with Obama are William Ayers and Jeriamiah Wright, two extremist outspoken US HATERS. They've postulated to no end about how much they hate this country to the point of structural damage and warping people's minds.

If John McCain were to hang out with radicals like these guys, I'd question his political stability as well.

As far as Wallstreet, we all know that Franklin Raines and Daniel Mudd, two of Obama's financial advisors for his current campaign, had been bilking Fannie Mae of government funding the whole time they were in charge of it.

Aside from the fact that he's pro abortion, anti defense(the best defense being a good offense, first strike and ALL that), pro tax and spend, I gotta wonder what sort of intellegence he has to hang out with folks like the guys mentioned above. Maybe the messiah hoped that being in his exalted presence would change these rowdy hucksters.

Please feel free to ripsaw at anything I've said if it is incorrect.


Jayne Cobb: Shepherd Book once said to me, "If you can't do something smart, do something RIGHT!