Is there plenty of blame to go around? Heck yeah.
I would agree with this. I found these articles measured and informative, if left-leaning:

Fannie Mae and the Vast Bipartisan Conspiracy

Both Obama and McCain have Ties to Loan Giants

All the Marbles

And I saw a link to Fox, so I feel less guilty about linking to the Times:
In Candidates Two Approaches to Wall Street

My take is that opportunity creates greed, which is why regulations are needed--everyone is going to try to work the system. While it's commendable McCain had the foresight to try to regulate FM in 2005, and has experience with FDA tobacco regulations and strengthening requirements after the Eron thing (Sarbanes-Oxley Act), the Washington Post reported that as recent as 2007 he was back into orthodoxy voicing his regret on his vote on the Sarbanes-Oxley. McCain's recent experience as far as I've read seems to lie in telecommunications sectors, where he was--no surprise here-- against regulation.

*shrug* I can see why if you were against government intervention you'd want to err on the side of big companies, but I do not agree.

So, naturally, I'll take my chances with Obama and his curious economic adviser .


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan