Fauve is a character from the 1984 Judith Krantz mini-series 'Mistral's Daughter'. I always loved the sound of the name which means, I believe, 'wild cat or beast' in French. When the child was born with a crop of red hair, her father thought she looked like a little wild beast so named her...Fauve.

There is a secondary reason why I love the name...the character of Fauve, with her fearless nature but gentle heart, eventually redeems another central character in the story and she thereby contradicts her name in a way.

I don't want to give away the story for anyone hasn't seen it. This many years down the track, it is still a story I enjoy.


Clark: I kept waiting for this incredible feeling of connection. You know, like I was exactly where I belonged, but that's only happened to me once in my life.
Lois: When?
Clark: The day I met you.