Okay, please don't judge me everyone, I really really love animals but my dad has a kind of sick twisted but amusing sense of humor. With that said, here it goes.
My real name is Stephanie. When I was in elementary/middle school my dad would come upstairs to wake me up for school (I know, I know; so spoiled). To keep from having to get up right away, I would ask my dad to scratch my back and tell me a story. So... here's the story. (Side Note: he always used a variation of Stephanie as the main character, it depended what country she was in on what her name was: Stephnachia was Russian)
Stephnachia, the little russian girl lived on a farm in Russia. They had a white snow dog that had puppies one Christmas. The momma and her puppies were staying in the barn and Christmas morning, Stephnachia got up early to go check on them. When she went to the barn, they weren't in there. She started back to the house and noticed blood in the snow in the path where she had walked. (okay, please know this is just a stupid story). She hadn't noticed the puppies when she was walking to the barn because they blended in with the snow and she had accidentally... *gulp* squished them... So... her family disowned her and kicked her out of Russia and she was given the nickname "Bloody Boots"
So that's the end of the story. But the next morning when he would tell me the story Stephnachia would be in a different country (because she was kicked out of Russia) and her name would be another variation of Stephanie. I.E. Stephania in Spain. But every where she went she always ended up accidentally stepping on and killing a little animal so the name Bloody Boots followed her everywhere she went. Very sad...
So I told this story to my friends in college and they all cracked up and thought it was hilarious. They all started calling me Stephnachia aka, Nacho for short.
There. I said it. Do you all think I'm a sick individual now?

I really love animals! I swear! thumbsup

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw