in our final year of school I was "forced" to "choose" a Nick to have printed on the back of my school Jersey (aka Guernsey/Rugby jumper...)...

Having my name as HELENA... and the alternative to Beethoven at the time would not have sat well with the authorities of my Catholic school...

People without a nickname were considered really boring people, and this was discouraged by all, from the principal to all the littlies in Kindy (the school went right through from K-12)

As I have some rather curly hair, it was a choice between Einstein and Beethoven (an artificial choice made by my orchestra budds, because I did science and Music), and

Beethoven won because I did not want the rest of the school to think I was in any way up myself, and it sort of stuck with me as an online name

As for my SIG; Last year I completed my undergraduate Bachelor of Science with my major being neuroscience... the rest is a joke my little brother tells, and I think it is apt for this forum...

otherwise I sometimes sign emails as
Lenny Benny Canary

I started this in University, when a friend said that HELENA NEEDS A NICKNAME because I am fussy about not being called HELAINA, and like it to be pronounced HELEN + U!
(Short sound as in UP...)
Lenny=Helena, Benny=Beethoven, and Canary is the closest word in the dictionary to my surname.

As such all my family for generations have had Canary as a nick, but I did not want it on my jersey as my older brother had Canary on his,

On one of my online names I accidentally typed: Beethove"M" by accident, so it stuck... on that forum at least, because I don't know how to change it and cannot be bothered making a new user...

You can't have MANSLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER

The Neuroscientist: Eating glass makes you smart...do you want to see what you can learn?