Mine is pretty self-explanatory, but hey, why not post anyway? I always like a chance to babble about myself. huh

I started out as Jessi Untalented. Jessi short for my name, Jessica. The nickname Jessi Untalented came up years ago (5 or 6, maybe), when I needed a name for a website I was making. I've used it for all sorts of things since then. It's my typical SN for most things. Even my fanfiction.net count is under jessi-the-untalented, which was a good reason to use it to post my fic here. But with that name I get a lot of "Change it!! You're not untalented!!" and I didn't exactly like the idea of becoming Jessi Talented. So, I needed something else.

I had changed my Myspace display name to Cape Fetish a few months ago just for the fun of it, to match my Superman themed page. Then my MSN display name became Cape Fetish to match that. So when I was tired of being nagged to change my name here (*cough*Lara*cough*) I figured that ought to work.

Plus, Supes' cape is sexy. wink


"Lois Lane is Clark Kent's Superman." - Brian Miller