Have you made your own PDFs?
Word 2007 on System 7 on my PC has PDF as a choice, so I simple saved it that way after dl a story from the Archive.
Oh, the formatter is awesome, but I did one without using it and that worked fine too.
One thing I did find out that you have to pay attention to the type font when it is in the Word stage. Not changing it made it really tiny to read at the S setting, and L is too large.
BTW, we submit to the archive in text. Could we submit another copy in PDF or Word.docx directly and would that save time? It has open document as well, if that works better.
The authors could submit their own stories and that gives permission as well.
Thanks again for all your work over the years.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis