Glad it was helpful, Doranwen!

The carriage return is something that bothered me even on regular computer screen reading - in that every line was too short. I can't take full credit for the fix though - someone else on the boards, at some point a long time ago, explained how that works.

So I was already doing it and then when I got a nook, I kept doing it, because yes, the problem is exacerbated on the smaller screen.

Also, just as a note in case you get fic from other websites - some don't have a hard return but a... "soft return"? I think that's what it's called. In Word, you create it by holding down shift as you hit enter. If you turn on the paragraph/space/etc indicators in Word (a little paragraph sign P on the menu), it'll show up as an arrow that turns at a right angle (like the one on your enter key).

IF you get that, you need to replace ^l (lowercase L) with ^p. Yes, it took me hours and multiple friends to figure that out. I nearly cried before we got to the solution, because I had just pulled some long fic that I really, really wanted to read on my nook and it was full of the ^l returns.

(ETA - the ones I was having a problem with were not mid-paragraph, but the normal carriage returns at the end of paragraphs. The problem was, the nook ignored them altogether and so I ended up having one solid massive humongous paragraph. case that shows up differently/makes a difference to you.)

And Labby - lol at the working in your current obsession. Nice job! smile


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