Thanks for that, Schoolmarm. I had understood that the difference between 'lie' and 'lay' is that 'lay' must be done to someone/something else, so I'll see if that will help me remember the difference between transitive/intransitive. I have to say that it does help when things are explained clearly and simply, as you did here. thumbsup

And, yes, essential/non-essential clauses makes a lot more sense - provided I can remember that they're the same thing as the other. wink I'll do my best! Now, I've also heard a non-essential clause called a 'parenthetical phrase' - right?

I'm getting there with 'that' and 'which'. What I'm not convinced by is the use of 'that' when the antecedent is a person - there, I would always recommend changing 'that' to 'who/whom'. I have seen a couple of sources recommending that, and personally I think it looks better. wink Looking at Charles Darling's site now, though, I see he says that 'that' can be correct, but 'who' is preferable. And I like his quiz on who, which and that - it might be helpful to anyone still trying to figure out the difference.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*