I thought I'd share the sort of problem I encounter at work, which is that people *think* they can write acceptable English, but clearly cannot. Here's an email sent by my work-experience student on the department's behalf to the entire college (without my consent as manager, I might add!):


Fed up of slow starting PCs, then a solution has been brought, since the network is mainly using the Windows 2000 operating system, it does not provide a utility called msconfig, which Windows 98 and XP provides, this utility enables you to configure the startup process of windows, by configuring applications you want to turn on or off in the startup process.

REMEMBER! this utility only benefits the log in process of your computer, not when switching on your machine.

If you have this kind of problem, please email me.


I cringed when I saw that pop into my mailbox. The student got told (very nicely, of course) that notices must be passed to me for review before they go out. It reflects so badly on the department - and I hate the idea that it could reinforce people's prejudices that IT people are anoraks who can only communicate with computers <g>.
