Sorry to have confused you, Yvonne. Your understanding is correct. I was referring not to general edits, but formatting edits and should have made that clear.

When it comes to edits of grammar and punctuation, GEs will highlight those. When it comes to minor formatting edits, I suspect most don't but just make the change, because they see it as a tidying up exercise rather than a correction to the narrative of the story.

Much in the same way that before I send any story to the Archive for uploading, I format it in a particular way. Or before sending out an assignment to a GE I change any files submitted in other formats to a text format. These changes will on occasion over-ride certain formatting an author has chosen to use - such as indenting paragraphs or using bold, italics etc.

As another example, on occasion when GEing a particular story myself, I've often deleted extra spaces between words. Or deleted extra returns between paragraphs. I just make the change, would never think to point it up to the author, because it's not an edit that changes the story in any way.

However, having said that, if this kind of minor edits does bother authors, I can certainly issue a group email to all GEs to the effect that any and all edits - no matter how minor, formatting or general - be highlighted in future. That's certainly not a problem. smile

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers