No Anne, I certainly would never dream of ranking formatting issues anywhere near the importance of robbery or dangerous medical practices, nor would I be so bold as to suggest that my profession holds any great impact in the grand scheme of things. I'm sorry if my implication was such.

I guess I do feel somewhat attacked and frustrated because I simply pointed out something that is by many professionals considered a common error and was suddenly called on the carpet for some GE judgments that I made in all good faith with the sole intention of making the stories better. I guess I'm just licking my wounds a bit <g>.

However, I have hopefully removed what may be considered any sarcasm from my post as I don't want to cause a major war over spaces. I'll save that for something much more significant like the misuse of the semi-colon wink

I apologize if I've offended by my vehemence regarding this topic.


PS - Thank you, Laurach! I was beginning to feel like a little lone voice in a great big forest <g>.

You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah