I've never really paid attention to how many spaces there were between sentences when reading a fanfic. (Or anything else, for that matter.) Interesting discussion, as I had no idea people on both sides of the issue felt so passionately about this.

For what it's worth, I always put 2 spaces, just out of force-of-habit. I understand that many computer programs (such as the one used on these boards) automatically take the second space out, but I type it anyway just because that's what my fingers want to do!

It wouldn't bother me if someone edited the spaces out, but then, I'm not sure my opinion really counts here. The only fanfic writing I've ever done were exactly 5 words on the 5-word Story Challenge, and a fun-to-write but totally silly Alphabet Challenge.

Incidentally, it wouldn't bother me if anyone edited my Lois' into Lois's, either. Again, it really is more force-of-habit than anything else. (Although I really do think Lois' is prettier. I think theatre is prettier than theater, too, but maybe I'm just weird that way.)

Back on topic - Like you, Labrat, I also went to grade school (aka "grammar school", how ironic!) back in the '60s, when there was a lot of experimentation going on. In my school, the "new" thing was to teach "sight-reading" instead of phonics. As a result, I am the world's worst speller! I wouldn't think of sending out an important or official document without running it through a spell-check program. How someone can submit a resume full of errors is beyond me!

- Vicki

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster