I enjoyed reading the link. However, it made me cringe. I am one of those people who has trouble with spelling and grammar. I do not remember most of the lingo used in this article.

Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, "affect" is the verb and "effect" is the noun. You "affect" things; you "have an effect on" things. You can also "effect" changes, and in that case the verb doesn't mean "have an effect," but rather "put into effect." With me so far? "
No I am lost!

"Many/much" is analogous
Analogous, isn't that three colors next to each other on a color wheel?<g>

An intransitive verb does not require an object
What the hell is an intransitive verb?

A nonrestrictive clause gives supplemental information about the noun
Do I need a lawyer for this?

This made me realize that I don't remember much from my days in Catholic school. Thank God for spell check and beta readers. I always have someone proof read for me. I do not trust myself to understand all the rules of grammar. Unfortunatly, I don't think I will ever get "it". I would be upset, however, if someone thought I was stupid just because I have a hard time with spelling and grammar. My talents are in other things. I managed a 4.0 average at a Masters level and Highest Honors before that.

This is a wake up call for those of us with problems in this area. I need spell check when I am writing on the black board.<g> I emphasize the need to use spell check with my students. Also, I tell my students that they should always have at least two proof readers go over their documents, before they send them out.

The creative process of writing is fun for me, but grammar is pure torture. We need spell check on these threads!

Everyone has their own talent and purpose on this Earth. Judging someone by their flaws does not solve the problem. I think Kathy had the right idea. If someone does it wrong and you know how to do it right, than(crap did I use this correctly?)explain it to them. Maybe they won't make the same mistake twice. Even if they do, maybe they will be more aware of the problem.

Laura, (who still gets confused about affect, effect, then and than even with the explaination.) dizzy

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"