smile1 Ad Astra Per Aspera by Becky Bain.

Here's the next one. smile

She turned to face him, lifting her lips to brush lightly against his. He froze for a split-second, shocked, then returned her kiss.

Clark's head whirled. He was kissing her. Really kissing her. Not just a friendly kiss on the cheek. Not a pretense to keep from blowing their cover. A real kiss. Her lips felt soft and smooth under his. His hand moved instinctively, brushing her hair from her face and resting against her cheek.

It was as incredible as he'd known it would be. It was chaste, yet powerful. There was such tenderness, such warmth in their touch. He'd never felt anything so wonderful in his life.

Lois felt like she was melting. The world around her was gone, and all she could think about was the feel of Clark's lips on hers, caressing them softly. His hand came up and cradled her face, holding her gently. It was.... She felt.... Incredible.
Tricia cool