This quote's from Date With a Stranger by Mobile Richard.

Here's the new quote:

"As I love you." I lower my head again, claiming her lips
for one more sweet kiss.

"Clark." She breaks the kiss to look enquiringly at me.
"Why were you still there? Outside, I mean? I thought I was
going to have to follow you to your apartment."

I blush. "I... couldn't leave, Lois. I was fighting with
myself, because I wanted to do exactly what you did. I
hated myself for leaving the way I did, for not having the
courage to... to..."

"To kiss me?" she finished, her voice teasing.

"Yeah." I bend and kiss the smile on her lips.

"And I hated myself for letting you go. So... I came after

I enfold her in my arms, and she lays her head against my
shoulder. "And you caught me," I tell her. "And I caught
you - and I'm not going to let you go."

"Good," she murmurs. And then neither of us say anything
else for a long time.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin