I know, I know, I know! Without using google wink This is Tank Wilson's angsty Dark Revelation .

For lack of time, this was the first thing that came to my mind:

"I know. This time might have been different. Maybe it wouldn't have turned into a disaster. But now --"

How it happened, she didn't know, but suddenly his arms were around her and she was burying her face against his shoulder. Somehow, here she could almost ignore the fate that was bearing down on them, bringing destruction to everything the human race had achieved during its elatively short run on the planet. What they could have had would never be, now. The world as they knew it was about to change in a way that no one could imagine.

It wasn't something she consciously decided to do, but she found herself lifting her head from his shoulder and almost without her own volition, placed a palm on either side of his face and kissed him.

The kiss lasted for what seemed like forever and yet, oddly, it was over too quickly. His body tensed suddenly; the arms that held her tightened for an instant and she felt him lift his head. She opened her eyes to see him looking intently at her with an expression in his dark eyes that seemed composed of both astonishment and discovery.


He shook his head and placed a finger across her lips. "No," he said. "It's not over yet, Lois." Quickly he leaned down and kissed her again. "Go home," he told her. "Go back to the Planet. I'll be back; I promise. Just remember what I said -- and what you said." He stepped away from her and she watched, half-puzzled.

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!