w00t! I'm pretty sure that this is "Happy New Tears" by Wendy Richards. Fabulous story, by the way Wendy.

Um... hmmm, I hadn't considered which excerpt I'm going to post yet... I'll get back to you.

-Jo (who's excited she found an excerpt she could reply to smile )

**** Several moments later ****

Okay I got one!

"Wait a minute," objected Clark. "I say we settle this the old fashioned way," he said.

Before she could wonder what he meant by 'the old fashioned way', he had flipped her over onto the couch and begun tickling her. She squirmed against his hands.

"Oh, so that's the way you want it, is it?" she laughed.

"You bet it is," he answered, smiling in response to her laughter.

She'd struggled to get his hands away from her stomach but the laughter was preventing any effective defense. When she'd realized she wasn't making any progress, she had reached for him, attempting to tickle him back. He had smiled, almost as if he knew he wasn't ticklish. Then a shocked look appeared on his face and his hands quit tickling her in an effort to protect himself. She pushed on as Clark began to laugh. Her amusement grew as tears rolled down Clark's cheeks. It didn't take long for her to reverse their fortunes. Soon Lois was the one on top while Clark lay on the couch, begging for mercy.

"Say uncle," she instructed through her own laughter.

"Uncle, uncle," he gasped immediately.

"I win," Lois announced, sitting back on his legs and watching the still chuckling man below her. "I told you I like to be on top," she added with a grin.

She watched the expression on Clark's face change when she said the final phrase. It was amazing the amount of desire he was capable of communicating without saying a word. It was as if Lois had no choice but to do what she did next - leaning over to kiss him. The kiss escalated quickly, as they were doing more and more often over the past couple of days. Lips searching; hands exploring; bodies aching. Lois couldn't exactly recall how they'd ended up in the bedroom, sprawled across the bed. What she did remember was the moment she'd pulled back. Why had she done that? He was her husband and she had wanted to be with him more than she'd ever wanted to be with a man. Yet, for some reason, she'd panicked. Clark remained understanding. It was she who wasn't understanding anymore. On their wedding night it might have made sense. After all, until then she'd only ever allowed herself to think about Clark as a friend. But in the last few days she'd been having problems thinking about anything that didn't involve her, Clark and a bed.
/me sighs. Definitely a good scene, from an even better fic.
