Clark's Response by B.B Medos

"The phone is over there," she told him, pointing in the general
direction of the phone.
Clark dialed the number and requested the cab. "They said it
would be about 20 minutes until they can get one here."
"Let's sit here on the couch then for a little while. I was
hoping for a chance to tell you how much I enjoyed this evening."
Lois told him as she put her hand on the couch to show him where she
wanted him to sit.
Clark removed his jacket and sat down beside her. "It was a
wonderful evening wasn't it." Clark put his arm around her as they
sat there and commented on the evening.
Lois rested her head on his shoulder as silence set in. It had
been a full week for her and she was tired. Her eyes drifted shut as
she thought of the evening they had spent together. Even though she
tried to desperately to stop it, she yawned.
"I guess that's my cue to leave" Clark whispered as he began to
untangle himself from Lois and her couch. "Seriously though Lois,
I'd love to do this, or something similar, with you again."
"We still have Valentine's Day."
"This was supposed to be our Valentine's Day," Clark reminded
her... "How about a movie tomorrow night?"
"Sounds good to me." Lois replied as cheerfully as she could
between yawns.
Clark stood, and helped Lois to her feet. "Now don't go falling
asleep in that beautiful dress," he teased. "I'll call you tomorrow
to set up a time." He picked up his jacket and walked over to her
front door with Lois right behind him. As he reached the door he
turned around rather abruptly. "Oh, just one more thing, Lois."
Clark took her in his arms, held her close, and kissed her gently and
passionately. It was something he had wanted to do from the moment
he saw her in that red dress. "Good night, Lois," he whispered.
Lois opened her eyes as he let go of her. He turned back toward
the door and opened it. Lois was still feeling pleasantly giddy from
his kiss. "Clark," she called softly. Reaching out to put her arms
around him as he turned back to face her. She stood on tip-toe and
returned his kiss, with a bit of her own passion. "Good night."

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller