smile1 Heaven's Prisoners by Demi.

Here's the next one. smile

Lois smiled when suddenly one of Clark's hands came up to her cheek before he leaned in to kiss her. Their lips lightly brushed against each others. Clark instantly realized his mistake. If he thought she looked and smelt incredible, it was nothing compared to the way she tasted. He leaned back in for a second kiss. This time, Lois' arms found their way around his neck and her hands slipped into his hair. He groaned, lost in the sensations of her love for him - finding there, as he always had, a world where nothing existed except the two of them.

His hands seemed to gain a mind of their own, as he sought to learn the secrets of his wife's body all over again. She seemed to melt into his touch. He released her mouth, his hands coming up to her face. His fingertips lightly traced the lines of the beloved face that had haunted him, both awake and asleep, from the moment he'd first laid eyes on it. After a leisurely exploration, his fingers left her face to trace their way down her throat. He alternated between using his fingertips and his knuckles - soaking up the soft noises coming from the back of her throat in response to his touch. Her hands continued to trace their way over his chest and across his rib cage - leaving a series of complicated patterns in their wake. He closed his eyes when her hands finally came down to rest on the top button on his pants.
Tricia cool