Yay! I got one! That was Nan Smith's "Four Days to Nightfall"

Here's one of my favorites:

It took all her concentration not to burst out
laughing, then and there. Even harder to control was the urge
to giggle when he initially stood like a statue under the
onslaught of her caresses and whispers against the side of his

The humor of the situation abruptly disappeared
when Clark gave an agonized groan and crushed her against
his chest, murmuring how worried he'd been the entire time
she'd been missing. Lois suddenly had difficulty hanging on
to her anger, much less remain amused, in the face of the
pain she heard in his voice. Instead, she found herself
comforting HIM, convincing him everything was okay,
persuading him she was safe and sound, while continuing to
hold him and be held by him.

Only after an absolutely soul-shattering kiss which
left Lois even more breathless and shaken than she already
was, did Clark seem convinced she was okay.

A lot he knew.

She watched bemused as he collected his wits and
desperately tried not to stare at her outfit, all the while
attempting to maneuver her out of his bedroom and into the
living room.