He ran his thumb over the crisply printed letters, wishing he could see Lois’s handwriting in them.
): That Lois did not actually write the note out.

How pathetic was he for thinking that messed up relationship was ever happy?
He should have just bit the bullet back in June (or was it May) and told Lois "you can't pretend to date me while dating Superman, because I am Superman, so you will be really dating me either way."

And, yet, he had been happier in those few weeks with Lois than he had ever been in the years with Lana.
What about during the weeks of Lois' recovery from being shot by Luthor when she would let Clark get very close to her?

Clark didn’t have the heart to ‘toot his own horn’ as his mom used to say. He would write up any stories as they had happened.
This is the real reason he needs Lois, he is not good enough at being a Superman-booster.

He’d let Superman’s actions speak for themself and hopefully not for his enemies.
Which in the world of LNN and such means he will fail. By the way does Mr. Brown of the Superman foundation (I am blanking on his first name) engage in promoting a positive image of Superman?

I should have mentioned this would be a good time to hear what he is up to.

John Pack Lambert