She only hoped that Clark took her advice to stop moping and to get Superman’s butt back into the air before someone associated Clark’s disappearance with that of Superman’s.
That's what she meant by "Stop It!" ? Gah! She's so dense! How is he supposed to know that's what she means? I realize that she's trying to leave a note that won't convey anything to a third party if it's intercepted, but not conveying anything to the second party does her no good in the first place. I'm thoroughly frustrated with Lois and have been for a while. I'm really not sure what Clark sees in her at this point.

She could have said, "Stop Moping," or something to that effect without giving anything away.

I'm wondering whether Rat is opening the messages or it's someone else. I hope it's just Rat, but I expect that we won't find out for some time, if ever.

Just because she didn’t want to get married didn’t mean it was the end of the world, did it?
What's she really expecting out of their relationship, anyway? There's a big difference between "I don't want to get married yet" and "I don't want to say yes because I hate the way you asked me" and "I never want to get married". She needs to convey which it is to Clark. (Of course, this would require actual communication...)

She still loved him. She had told him that.
Once again, words don't mean much if your actions don't back them up.

Geez, did she need to hang a poster in her window with a picture of an octopus and the words ‘I love you’ in big letters?
Might help.

I like how Lois convinced her tail not to try to tail her the entire time she was out. I wonder what Lex will think of her giving her tail her itinerary.

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)