John: Thank you for the comments.
He really should have paid more attention when he studied Lois's backstory. Maybe he should have studied it more.
I think it might be even easier to slip up if he knew about every single story she had ever written. Even canon Clark didn't know who Kyle Griffin was and we all know how much HE loved Lois by the beginning of S2.

[John very happy that] they are touching again.
They will touch every once in a while.

Lois:I only wish sitting with him like this was habit. grumble at Luthor and making investigating him take so long.

Technically, Luthor did not do the exposing at all. With all the watches in this story, I am tempted to start calling it "Watch Clark".
[Linked Image] That was totally inadvertent.

Good thing he had already left for the orphanage when Lois came back with the watch.
CLARK: I wanted to invite her to join me, but she was busy visiting the Luthor House for Homeless Kids (caused by LexCorp).
LEX: That's not it's official title.
CLARK: Are you saying those kids aren't homeless because of you and your business practices.
LEX: I didn't say that. I just said, that I didn't call my charity that. Get the name right.

She really never gives up.
PERRY: She wouldn't be Mad Dog Lane otherwise.
LEX: Now, I get all those dog jokes. Funny.

I am glad Clark does not always have to be the one sticking up for Superman's morality.
So is he.

He could turn them over to the FBI or ATF or NTSP (New Troy State Police), although I am not sure Remy would be stupid enough to get caught in such a trap.
That's Lois's plan. Imply one thing, catch them with their lack of attention to detail.

Not unless Superman guaranteed their freedom long term, which I doubt he would.
LOIS: So, you're saying that someone who lives on a series of robberies thinks long term?

Fuentes really is sure of himself.
FUENTES: well, it would be stupid to shoot down a helicopter of the city of Metropolis, now wouldn't it? Much easier way to escape than via the van.

I wonder what caused the guy to back out this time.
I don't know. Seeing the mass of MPD surrounding the DP on LNN?

He so should have said "right here".
CLARK: Um... Superman isn't supposed to show himself; therefore outing myself to Lois is off the table.
LOIS: They said no red cape. So, if Superman shows up naked.
REMI: I'd turn myself in. Please, can we got with this plan. But I want him to take me directly to FBI HQ in Washington DC. As long a trip as possible would be nice.
CLARK: Superman doesn't fly naked.
LOIS: Not in this story, he doesn't.
CLARK: clap
LOIS: So, it IS telepathy! I knew it!
CLARK: Really, Lois. I would KILL to have that skill. Maybe it would make me understand you better.
LEX: I've got that threat on tape!
Next Day on LNN...
"Daily Planet Reporter Threatens to Kill to get SM's Powers"

If Lois did not already know CK=SM, she would have figured out 5 times this evening.
LOIS: /puts on her rose tinted glasses/ I have no idea what you're talking about.

That is not really the issue. As long as the crooks thing some people give them more pull, they will go for them, no matter what the reality is.
And what Clark realizes is that criminals could use many innocent people and his reaction would be the same. It's almost as if everyone is at risk, because of him.

Still, he would be putting Lois in danger. Also, this ignore the issue of why he didn't just tell Lois that CK=SM, and have her date CK.

But since Luthor is normally the bad guy, it really does not matter.
Which is why if someone threatened him, it wouldn't matter as much to Clark.
SMART KIDS: Yeah, right. Worked for us.

They could be happily married now if he had accepted she was right sooner.
LOIS: [Linked Image] Wait! No! I don't want to get married.

This would be so much better if Clark knew that Lois knew. It is really time for them to tell each other.
LOIS & CLARK: We agree with you. We're blaming: [Linked Image]
EW: What? Me?

[John's super happy he's dancing] they are connecting. Still this would be even better if he knew she knows.
LOIS: /note to self/ whisper to Clark that I know the next time he holds me close enough to whisper it without anyone else hearing.

Lois stood up. “I’ll stay, and Clark will talk to Superman,” she announced. “We’re not exactly on speaking terms at the moment.”
JOHN: What? Why does she even say that?
LOIS: Because he refused to take me out of town to visit friends this weekend, like I asked him.

Clark:Send her, keep me, I don't want to put her life at risk.
LOIS: Like *I* can contact Superman without you. If I got up to the roof and shout for SM, what will happen? Your head will explode. No, it's better if you go, Clark.

Which actually also shows that Lois's claim that Superman will not let her be harmed is not fully true.
CLARK: I knew I was to blame for Lois getting shot. mecry

Arguably, Superman at times does harm. I mean, recently he warmed up a gunman's gun, that created some harm. Preventing all harm seems a pretty high standard.

I think that should be "with a sneer".
Thanks. Fixed.

I think that should just be "no matter how quick".
What? Doesn't it make it more fun with extra propositions? Fixed.

Safe Passage how far?
SUPERMAN: I can take you as far as New Troy State Prison.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.