The usually terse Remy seemed overly delighted with the idea of taping the bomb to Lois’s chest and immediately set to work.
Why are they putting the bomb on Lois?

“Not to mention, Clark and I
smile1 she is speaking of her and Clark as a unit.

are friends with Superman. If I’m injured, I doubt he would take it well,” Lois said as Remy applied the last piece of tape. “I had to talk him down after Lex shot me.”
Wait, did she really?

Lois looked at Lex’s stricken face and, despite her better judgment and only for the sake of her investigation, reassured the man. “I knew it was an accident, Lex.”
Why does she keep on giving him such assurances.

“Of course it was, Lois. I could never hurt you on purpose,” Lex said,
Clark:That does not keep her safe though.

Lois had to admit, between the duct tape and the bomb on her chest, she too had lost her appetite.
Plus, how would she eat the stuff. Have Lex feed it to her. Grosse.

“Hurry back, Clark,” Lois whispered, hoping beyond hope that he heard her.
frown that he does not hear she wants Clark back.

Now, that they had separated the terrorists from their bomb, Clark could take out the terrorists without having to worry about Fuentes detonating the bomb.
How could he think of that with the bomb on Lois? Although if the bomb is on Lois, what will stop SWAT from attacking Remy and Fuentes?

In Perry’s office, Lois could hear a scuffle in the dark.
Asabi snuck in and attacked?

She was alone
Finally she and Clark can have a real conversation.

in the dark with a bomb strapped to her chest. Unable to raise her voice any louder, she creaked out a dry rasping, “Help, Superman!”
I hope he gets there soon.

John Pack Lambert