mrsMxyzptlk: How did I know that one phrase was going to come back and bite me on the butt? [Linked Image]
I've been eagerly awaiting every chapter and thoroughly enjoying each one. I guess I need to spend a bit more time letting you know.
/My muse gorges on this yummy fresh strawberry tart of a compliment/
CAT MUSE: Who are you calling a tart?
EW: [Linked Image]

Sometimes I read the chapter on my phone, and I don't like typing much on that, and then I forget to go back and comment once I'm back at my computer.
I know the feeling, which is one of the reasons I don't allow myself to read on my phone. That, and I don't want to end up looking... [Linked Image]. I've got to admit, I've tried to lurk on a few stories, I'm just not good at it. When someone has obviously put effort into writing something, I feel the need to let them know I've read it. But if I don't comment on every part (even those long ones) I feel hopelessly guilty. It's a personality flaw I'm working on... and why I have over 5000 posts in two years. :rolleyes: I know not everyone is crazy like... er... My Muse...

CAT MUSE: I heard that!

EW: Sorry, Crazy like *I am* (who else would start this chocolate bunny of a story without realizing it was 30 feet tall?)

LOIS MUSE: Did someone say 30 foot chocolate bunny? [Linked Image]

EW: My Muse(s) do not seem to have Alt-Clark's problem with sweets.

CLARK MUSE: Awww, man, still? help
EW: [Linked Image]

Lois really needs to tell Clark about her plan regarding Luthor. She doesn't have to say that she's trying to get information to save Clark or whatever; she just has to say that she suspects him of shady dealings, and she's trying to stick around him in case he slips up and she can find some evidence. She keeps telling him to trust her, but he can't see any reasonable explanation for her behavior.
But then they would be *communicating*. Where's the fun in that?

Thank you for reading and letting me know you're still out there, lurking away. [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.