Is this from the van, the truck, or both?
Good point. Sorry, I changed this from passive to active voice at the last minute and it made that more vague. I'll clarify (although, does it *really* matter?)
Well, if they are from just the truck or just the van, it might mean there are more soldiers involved here.

Maybe it's because he's seen the sample and it looks to have either a jagged or cut edge on one end which meant that it was either cut or broken off a larger piece?
Good point. That makes a lot of sense.

Why give up Clark if he doesn't have to? Anyway, would Trask keep his end of the bargain?
I guess not, so it probably does not matter what he offers.

Trask cannot see other people's opinions.
Good point. This is probably his biggest weakness. He assumes all other people are as selfish as him and as unlikely to help others. At least we hope this will lead to his downfall.

How did he do that? He went and "brought" Superman, who then got tackled by 3 cyborgs. It wasn't his fault.
Clark:I was saying after Lois got shot I had to watch her, and help her, so I didn't go and be Superman for a while, after Lois got shot.

John Pack Lambert