Welcome to the party! You'll love it here. I've turned into a bit of a lurker myself, but the stories are always here and more are being written.

I've only written one in which Clark is hurt/sick/injured. Unforgettable. Summary: "When Lois danced at her anniversary party, she never expected it to be the eye-opening experience it became. Now, Lois finds herself tasked with putting the pieces back together. Will Lois and Clark be able to unravel the truth, move past everything that has happened and reconstruct their lives?" As an indicator, I met Dean Cain just after finishing it and apologized for what I did to Clark in the story.

But if you really want to see Clark dragged through the wringer, I'd recommend A Reconstructed Life by DeadlyChakram as it is probably the lowest I've read Clark to be (though there are plenty of close seconds).

I think my favorite author is AntiKryptonite. Newsworthy was one of my favorites. I really like the writing style.

"Oh my gosh! Authors really do use particular words on purpose!" ~Me, when I started writing a book.