Hi all,

I'm a newbie to the L&C fandom. I fell in love with the show as a kid back in the 90s, but only now that I've started my second (adult) re-watch it occurred to me to look up some fics and I was delighted to find this community active (!) and dive into fandom 25+ years late. grin

I'm from the LJ / ff.net / AO3 "generation" so I find it a little hard to find my way through the index and boards, so I thought I'd try asking for some guidance and recommendations here.

I'm looking or any source that categories L&C fics by themes/tags/kinks. I would also love to know if there are any additional sources for fics other than this archive.

Specific request
I'm especially looking for hurt/comfort fics or stories featuring hurt!Clark, physically or emotionally. Sick, injured, vulnerable, unconscious, beat up, without his powers, blind, paralyzed, amnesiac - whatever it is for whatever reason. Doesn't necessarily need be angsty, and I read any ratings.

I would also appreciate some pointers to "classic" fics and notable authors. As an absolute newbie, that's the fics I simply cannot miss, your absolute favorites that you wouldn't recommend for veterans who already read them 5 times. blush

Last edited by JustMeP; 07/30/20 02:03 PM.