Thank you all for the thoughtful recommendations and the warm welcome! I read everything carefully and bookmarked tons of stories, all of these are definitely going to get me started and then some. I'm glad so many of you enjoy hurting poor Clark. whistle
And I just realized I never had to specify a ship because everyone share the same one, so no chance to miss out on good stories with a less favorite ship. This is fandom heaven! angel-devil

Thanks for the list! How can I find summaries for your stories? I couldn't spot it on the TOC or the first chapter.

I read a few of the shorts from the more recent Kertth Awards but haven't stumbled upon the older ones - thanks for pointing that out!

Deadly Chakram
These sound delicious! I'm pretty sure House Call is gonna be early on my reading list, Home is Where The Hurt Is is one of my absolute favorites. It took me a moment but I realized what the crossover may be and it makes me even more excited over it, as I can't begin to imagine these two worlds and characters collide but I've got a feeling a lot of cynical insults on grown men in tights are involved. laugh
You're probably right about A Farmer's Tale but for a different reason, I don't usually read AUs.

I did read some fics on AO3 but there were only a handful, and as for, well... It's While the quality was less-awful than in other fandoms, the things I found there fell short compared to ones in the archive.

Thanks! You had me at "a piece of mixed green and red kryptonite". Hmmmmmm grin

There's nothing more frustrating than finding a fantastic fic only to find it's the author's only work though, isn't it? Still usually worth it.

I was wondering about the relationship between the archive and boards. Thanks for all the details!

I registered to zoomaway but I think I'll keep that for later as it does look more complicated to sort through it.
I did encounter some broken links in my searches and in some cases couldn't locate an alternative, but honestly much less than I'd expect for stories that some were written 20+ years ago.

On the other hand, the fact many stories are available in different formats and I don't need to save and convert it myself to epub is such a delight.

Thanks for these! As long as the links eventually work and I won't end up at dead ends mid-story I think that would be just fine. smile

Terry Leatherwood
Thanks! Sounds good and painful. I'm not a fan of complete AUs, but I do appreciate pre-series or canon divergence and the premise with Clark and the Kents worst fear unfold is intriguing. That's one thing I wish they explored more in the series, the fact everyone simply accepted Superman's existence and the government not at least trying to investigate him striked as odd.

I guess that if L&C was produced today we'd see more of that sort of things as arcs compared to the usual villian of the week, but no complaints. I mean, when they did try multi-story arcs back then it didn't end well. *insert frog emoji*

Last edited by JustMeP; 07/31/20 06:09 PM.