Welcome, JustMeP!

The other FoLCs already mentioned a lot of the classics.

Yvonne Connel certainly has a reputation for toturing Clark.

I believe, StopQuitDont's A Gft for Life wasn't yet mentioned. This one really does a number on Clark.

The greatest hits outside of hurting Clark (there's still some hurting involved on occasion):

ML Thompson wrote a wide variety of stories, including There's No Place Like Home. You really will want to check out all her stories.

Nan Smith ia a legend and her Home series is the seminal work on what happens to Clark after Lois has lived her life and Clark's all alone now in the world. Well, he does have kids and grandkids, but no Lois (yes, he hurts wink. Incidently, it was one of the last stories (series) of her's that I got to, mainly because I was so iffy about the whole concept. Yeah, I was young and stupid and didn't know any better. Now, many many years later, I've reread it several times. The first story is a vignette, it just teases the concept. Just like a drug peddler giving away tiny samples at a rave.

Wendy Richards was already mentioned. So many wonderful works.

Same goes for Female Hawk.

We've got Sue S., who's stories should be read on the dark side of the boards (nfic-section, nfic archive) to get the unabridged versions. Her Faustian Bargain does a lot of torture and hurt, too. There's also Platonic, which teaches you that 'platonic' is a Kryptonian word and means quite something else in it's native language.

Terry Leatherwood is a wonderful weaver of tales as well. His The Road Taken and the two sequels (Further Down the Road, and The End of the Road) do have a lot of plot and a lot of hurting Clark and Clark finding happiness again.

More famous authors
Kathy Brown, fair word of warning through, her stories are rather WAFFy and Clark isn't hurt in them (I think)

Labrat, and her story Masques, which does kind of torture Clark. Mentally that is.

For a good (and quick) laugh, you will want to check out Queen of the Capes. Beware of her stories published on the night between March and April.

Basically, for all of them it's hard to pick more than one story as an example without picking all of them. I know, I missed a ton of authors, many of them happen to be authors who don't torture Clark.

Umm... and in the interest of completeness' sake, my own The Wedding Crashers is based on House of Luthor and thus puts Clark into a glowy cage for a good portion of the story. And Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned deals with Clark ticking off Lois and Lois being really not nice to him. She really does screw with his mind.

CC Aiken did the vignette Something the Cat Dragged In, which is one of the cutest vignettes ever.

The Ultimate Drug, a vignette by Hazel is another must read to understand our community. There's a bunch of other meta fix out there, we probably should start a category for them.

Then we have The Unofficial Seasons 5 and 6, written by a number of Folcs in a concerted effort (including some of the names already mentioned). To me, this was the first Lois and Clark fanfiction I read.

There's also a ton of resources to help FoLCs find their way around:
* The Kerth Awards-lists have already been mentioned.
* The FAQs, highly recommended.
* The Fanfic Database. Yes, we have all our archived stories indexed and categories in a spreadsheet.

And a (really quick) primer:
Most stories are first posted on the boards (PG-side and NC-17 side, depending on content). Most authors avail themselves of beta readers to ensure their material is of the best possible quality. Many stories from the PG side are then submitted to the archvie, where they get a final polish from our editors to spot the occasional type etc. For the nfic-section, we have Anne's Place, where the archive of the adult-rated stories is maintained.

Stories are posted in a dedicated thread for each part with a corresponding feedback (FDK) thread as companion. These threads are collected in the table of contents (TOC) and many others also do a ton of cross linking to make things easy to discover. The authors really do love to get feedback on their stories.

Happy reading!

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.