Originally Posted by Morgana

Lex smiled, “Perhaps some new equipment is needed?” He turned to Nigel, “Nigel, make sure to send funds for a new radiology equipment,”

“No, Mr. Luthor, that isn’t necessary,”

“Nonsense,” Lex continued. “You’re in need. I’m able. I help. It’s what good businessmen do,”

The doctor sighed, realizing this was a losing battle, “Yes, Mr. Luthor, about your scans. It appears there was some damage to the ligaments in your shoulder, but no nerve damage. You won’t be able to use those muscles for at least six to eight weeks. I’m surprised your wound wasn’t worse…it appeared to have been healing itself when you arrived…”

This is the first time I have read of Lex Luthor being so ... generous. But than he tells Nigel to arrange for Mr. Fuentes to suffer because of that gunshot wound. Talk about split personality! dizzy

Hey Morgana!

Hope you're doing well. Thanks for the FDK.

Yes, I'm using the crazy Lex Luthor from the whole clone-arc and meshing him with the debonair Lex Luthor from the first season...He's Metropolis' "Golden Child" so he has an image to uphold. Gonna see how it plays out.

Playing with the whole Foundling cliffhanger of Lex looking for Superman's secret identity and meeting Jack at the Planet during Fly Hard...I've been doing nothing but writing this one since yesterday after the kids went to bed...I haven't had a story come out so fast in sooo long. Hoping to have the next part up after Christmas but we'll see. smile

Have a Merry Christmas!

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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