Yes! I had heard a fan podcaster (Michael Bailey) speculating for weeks that Henshaw was really the Martian Manhunter, but I had thought that that was a longshot. I know that J'onn has appeared in animated shows, but is this the first live action depiction of him? I thought it very well done.

He did say several times that Jeremiah was dead. Among other things, he said that Henshaw had died the same night as Jeremiah, that Jeremiah made the ultimate sacrifice to save him (i.e., J'onn), and that he had died a hero. Of course, it is possible that he was mistaken or is flat-out lying to her.

Each week I look forward to the show a bit more, and I am delighted that it will get, at minimum, one full season. (I fully expect it to be renewed, but that's another story.)
