Virginia posted:

While Clark admits to Lois in OB that he still communicates with his friends from college, you actually never see him with any of his other so-called friends (or see him talking to them). I'm betting that they are more like acquaintances (like Rachel), whom he's friendly with, but not really close to.

Completely agree with you, Virginia thumbsup.

Lines like that from Clark--and I believe there is another example somewhere where Clark says sorta the same type of thing (totally blank as to when though), have always kind of thrown me. There's really not a lot of 'proof' that these friends are still in his life (and what has always amused me is that Lois--who admits to not having a 'best friend'/etc before Clark--seems to have them come out in spades...Linda, Molly, the 'tiny-sized' group who get shrunk in IASWAA).

What I've come to conclude, IMO, is pretty much where you went, too. I don't think Clark has ever, really, been completely close--as in best friend type of close--with anyone prior to Lois.

I think he became emotionally connected to Rachel, to Lana, a bit (drew overall closer to them as compared to males) because relationships, in nature, sometimes lead to more of an emotional investment. But then Lana ended bad, therefore, they fell apart from each other--lost contact. Rachel and Clark walked away from whatever they were relationship-wise still in a good place. They remained, as you said, acquaintances. Rachel, maybe, being his closest acquaintance from his past? (but I've always gotten from GGGOH that they weren't horribly up to date on each other).

Guy-wise, I never really believed Clark had long-lasting, quality friendships prior to starting at the Planet. We never heard about them, no proof of them. And IMO, that probably had a ton to do with what all was happening to him growing up...the powers, the strength, the flying. How confusing that timeframe--his teenage years--must have been for him. How startling. How lonely. 'The Fortress of Solitude' says a lot, you know?

Whatever friendships Clark had when he was really young, a kid, playing at friend's houses, etc., I'd assume faded away through his teenage years. I can see Clark distancing himself from them, from everyone, as he tried to figure himself out. Make sense out of what was happening to him.

We know he went to college--we don't know really what that time truely was like for him. I'd guess better (because by then he is a bit older, a bit more adjusted to all the changes to himself), but probably, still pretty lonely.

We do know that as soon as the 'pre-planned' parts of life (high school/college) were over, Clark ran. Moved place to place. Tried to figure out how to be himself. Tried to figure out where he fit in. And we know that those years were still quite lonely (by him telling Lois that he never fit in prior to meeting her).

I think Clark's version of 'friendship' was very much like our version of 'acquaintance' pre-Lois. He hadn't ever really had anything closer (than an acquaintance), to know what a true friend was.

Lynn posted:

And you described perfectly one of the main draws of the show for me, as well. The only difference is that instead of wondering day to day about fitting in, I just plain concluded as a child that I never would fit in. (There's a reason why Mr. Spock was one of my all-time favourite characters.)

Going off of what you said, Lynn, and also, off of why I related to these characters--doubting myself, not letting myself be truely 'me' around others (still currently wrestle with this, btw--I think I need to conclude what you did as a child, Lynn smile ), I think meeting Lois would have been completely life-affirming for Clark. Personally, when I have really connected with someone (the small amount of times when this has truely and deeply happened) it was HUGE. Amazing. Validating. Clark--having never had this....can you imagine how great it would feel? How exciting? Top it off with being very physically attracted to the person. Top it off again with professionaly admiring and respecting this person.

Lightning bolts! hyper Stars! hyper Fireworks! hyper I don't think Clark truely even noticed another woman after the day he layed eyes on Lois love.

When you feel all alone, when you've felt that way for so much of your life, suddenly not feeling alone is quite the big deal.

What dreams are made of, actually grin.

(Wow--just went back and reread this post...quite the 'kick' I was on. Eek blush ).

Last edited by LMA; 10/21/15 08:43 PM.