John, thanks for reminding me. Somehow I had forgotten to make some fanfic recommendations for fics based on this episode. Of course the first one that came to mind is Bobbart's fine After A Door Slams , followed by The Morning After A Door Slams and The Evening After A Door Slams .

Pam Jernigan continues the theme of Clark not giving up so easily (like he did in canon) in her Lucky Lois , as does Nitemar in Love And Secrets .

What if things had been turned around, and it was Clark who told Lois that he could never see her again? Well, Missy Gallant talks about this in Lucky Lunkhead , where more things happen, including a revelation.

Sheer B-plot WAFF carries Kaethel's Magical Night , where the author asks, "Going home from her first date with Clark is a frightening moment for Lois, but will the temptation to find out where their relationship could lead be stronger than the urge to slam the door in his face?"

Carol M tells us what happened after L&C's kiss at the end of the episode in Torn, Dirty Shirt . Let's just say that Mayson isn't the only one who finds out what Clark has been hiding. Sarah C. explores the same theme in Her Choice .