Absolutely amazing, Anti-K. Wow really is about all I can say, too. I'm a huge fan of your writing, and I've been so excited to read this story since you posted last week.

I so much enjoy how you write--the details, the metaphors. The raw emotion. Reading just now, honestly, it was an experience. You completely bring the reader into the story--into all the pain, into all the confusion, that is 'life' now at the Daily Planet.

And Clark...oh-my-goodness. My mind is still processing all the layers of hurt, betrayal, and change he is going through. Everything that now Clark's parents are going through. And so sadly, because of Clark's friends--that completely sold him out.

I am so curious to find out the backstory...what led to the decisions that have altered absolutely everyones life.

What made Lois go this far? How did the 'story' become all that mattered? And most importantly, how can this be fixed?...or CAN this be fixed?

Your talent is inspiring notworthy...

Awesome (and yes, that word is a complete understatement) job grin

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~